Bird Rehabilitation Center

Helping Big Country Birds in a Big Way! The principal bird rehabilitation unit for the Big Country is open daily from 9 am to 4 pm. Call 325-437-4941 for updates and information.

Caring for sick, injured, and orphaned birds rescued by residents here in the Big Country

Help save native birds

The Abilene Zoo has been an important part of local conservation for several decades and proudly cares for hundreds of birds each year. Birds are brought to the zoo by guests, animal control, and even game wardens. These sick, injured, or orphaned birds receive quality veterinary care with the goal of releasing them back into the wild as soon as possible.

The Zoo receives no federal or state funding towards this cause. Your donations help save local birds and fund the care, medicine, and food needed to rehabilitate and release them back into the wild. Please consider donating and help save a wild bird today.

Bird Rehab Parking
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What should you do?

You find an injured or sick bird in your backyard- she’s still breathing and needs help. What should you do? Here are three steps:

  1. Do not try to talk to the bird, wrap it in blankets, or ‘baby’ the animal. Birds are easily imprinted and this can impede recovery and release efforts.
  2. Place the bird safely in a dry, clean box away from predators and people. This will help the bird stay calm and out of danger.
  3. Bring to the Abilene Zoo at 2070 Zoo Lane. The Bird Rehabilitation Center is at the last building on the left at the very end of the parking lot. Starting October 14th, 2024, due to parking lot construction, the Bird Rehab Center’s entrance will be temporarily inaccesible. Please visit the Gift Shop and inform a staff member that you have a bird in need of care. You’ll be required to fill out a form before leaving the bird. 

During intake, please give as much information as possible concerning the location you found the bird, any possible predators in the area, and how quickly you were able to bring the bird in. These will help the veterinary staff give the best care possible.

You're not my mother.

So, you’ve spotted a baby bird on the ground and it doesn’t appear sick or injured. What do you do next?

Nestlings – A baby bird with no feathers

  1. Can you find the bird’s nest? Is it intact? If so, put the baby bird back in the nest. Observe from a distance and watch to see if the parents visit.
  2. If you can’t find a nest, make a substitute! Poke holes in the bottom of a berry basket or butter tub. Line with dry grass, pieces of the old nest, and pine needles. Hang the new nest from the original tree or one nearby and put the baby bird inside. Observe from a distance and watch to see if the parents visit.
  3. If the parents do not visit the nest, it’s time to call a bird rehabilitator. You can reach us at 325-437-4941

Remember A baby birds’ best chance for survival is with its parents!

Finch scaled 1
Mockingbird scaled 1

This little guy has feathers. Now what?

Fledglings – A baby bird with feathers that sometimes hop around on the ground

  1. Is the bird safe from cats, dogs, and people? If so, leave the baby right where it is. The baby is learning all about independence and how to get around.
  2. If the bird is in danger, put him in some bushes or on a tree limb nearby. Watch from a distance to see if the parents visit.
  3. Unsure? Call our bird rehabilitator and they will help you determine what you should do next. 325-437-4941

Donate Today

The Zoo receives no federal or state funding towards this cause. Your donations help save local birds and fund the care, medicine, and food needed to rehabilitate and release them back into the wild. Please consider donating and help save a wild bird today.

What happens to the birds after they arrive?

The zoo holds state and federal permits that allow it to legally hold wildlife during treatment. A full check-up from our veterinary team is performed. Our goal is always to release an animal back into the wild; rarely the animal will be kept in a zoo or other licensed facility as an ambassador for its species to be used for educational purposes. Sometimes, because of an untreatable injury, an animal is deemed “non-releasable” and is humanely euthanized.
If you have brought a bird to the Bird Rehabilitation Center and would like to check up on it, you are welcome to give us a call at 325-437-4941. Please note: It may take up to 7 days to get a response.

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