The bobcat is a medium-sized wild cat found throughout North America. This elusive feline is known for its distinctive tufted ears and short “bobbed” tail, which gives it its name.

Physical Characteristics
The bobcat is a medium-sized wild cat, typically weighing between 15 and 30 pounds. They have a stocky, muscular build with short legs and a short, “bobbed” tail that is about 6 inches long. Their coat is usually brown or gray with black spots, and their ears are tufted with black hair. Bobcats have sharp retractable claws, which they use to climb trees and catch prey.
Habitat and Range
Bobcats can be found throughout North America, from southern Canada to northern Mexico. They prefer habitats with dense vegetation, such as forests, swamps, and deserts. They are also known to inhabit suburban and urban areas, where they can find food and shelter.
Behavior and Diet
Bobcats are solitary creatures and are most active at night. They are excellent hunters and are known to prey on a variety of animals, including rabbits, squirrels, birds, and rodents. They are also capable of taking down larger prey such as deer or domestic livestock. Bobcats are territorial and will mark their boundaries with urine and feces.
The bobcat is not currently considered endangered, although it is protected in some areas. They were once heavily hunted for their fur, but hunting restrictions have helped stabilize populations. Habitat loss and fragmentation are the biggest threats to bobcats now, as human development can disrupt their territory and make it harder for them to find food and shelter.
Intriguing Facts
Bobcats are excellent climbers and can easily scale trees to hunt for prey or escape danger.
Unlike most cats, bobcats are good swimmers and have been known to cross rivers and swim to islands in search of food.
The short, bobbed tail of the bobcat is not always genetic - it can also be the result of an injury or accident.
Bobcats are known for their distinctive vocalizations, which can range from hissing and growling to purring and yowling.
Despite their fearsome reputation, bobcats are generally shy and avoid human interaction. However, they may become more bold and aggressive if they feel threatened or cornered.
In some Native American cultures, the bobcat is a symbol of patience, persistence, and independence.
Bobcats are sometimes called "wildcats" but they are not the same species as the European wildcat, which is a different and more closely related species of cat.
Visit the Zoo
If you’re interested in seeing a bobcat in person, come visit our zoo! Our bobcat exhibit is home to two of these elusive cats, where you can observe them in their natural habitat. We are committed to the conservation and protection of these fascinating creatures and are proud to have them as part of our collection.
Are bobcats dangerous?
Like most wild animals, bobcats can be dangerous. They’re a threat to livestock and pets like house cats, poultry, lambs, goats, and piglets.
Do bobcats attack humans?
Bobcats rarely attack humans. They’re known to be afraid of humans but can be dangerous when threatened or startled. Recorded cases of bobcats attacking humans have been attributed to the animal contracting rabies and going rabid.
What does a bobcat sound like?
A bobcat sounds almost close to a domestic cat’s meow. It can hiss, growl, purr, and yowl just like a cat. A bobcat’s bark sounds similar to either a cough or a bird’s chirp.